Hureka Technologies Inc
Semantic Search Velocity

Wondering How To Win The Semantic Search Game? Read This!

Roopak Gupta 2020-04-23
Roopak Gupta
min read

Part II of IV: 8 Tips to Effective Velocity

"Prepare ship for ludicrous speed! Fasten all seatbelts, seal all entrances and exits, close all shops in the mall, cancel the three-ring circus, and secure all animals in the zoo!" - Colonel Sandurz (Spaceballs, 1987)

Prepare to take your business for the ludicrous speed? In case you aren't ready yet, secure all your animals in the zoo and fasten your seatbelts as you need the effective velocity to succeed in the game of Semantic Search. 

 We have already looked into 8 Tips To Gain Effective Volume in Part I of this series. In this post, however, we will share 8 Tips to Effective Velocity and chalk out the way for your business to achieve that ludicrous speed.

1. Content Velocity 

The key element is consistency for success if you don't have a devoted content generation system in place.

Begin by posting something that sticks each week and steadily increasing the content creation you can sustain and deliver consistently to your readers. You must not fail to deliver the same number of articles every week. 

For instance, suppose you write a five-part series that consists of an opening article with links to the other four parts in every post. When you finish writing it, the major fix you might find yourself is that your post connects to unpublished blogs. 

So, what should you do to sort it out? Just publish them all together and distribute them across the web.

Now, this something that's not consistent with our conventional publishing calendar and may even prompt a few adverse feedbacks from your readers. Not only this, but even Google may not look favorably at those five posts flying at ludicrous speed.

To manage the content velocity, you must create an editorial calendar. Write the topics you want to cover and map them to the calendar. But make sure you can publish as you per the outline of your plan. 

2. Social Media Profile Velocity

Now should you take a fast or slow pace approach to develop your social media profile? Well, why not both!

You want to be consistent when adding followers to all your social media profile. As the story goes, the tortoise always wins the race.

So, you want to work through the sprints consistently.

You need to manage your network from time to time to let their followers become your followers.

However, there is no issue in being a rabbit and dash your way through the process regularly, then go back to walking the race.

Keep in mind, the total number of followers does matter, but the engagement of those followers is also essential.

Google Page Experience Update 2021: 7 Essential Changes For Your SEO Strategy

3. Social Interaction Velocity

There has been a series of advertisements run by AT&T, where a gentleman is asking deep questions to a group of young children around a classroom table that they are answering with naiveté.

But one question that stood out is, "what's better? more or less?" And the unanimous answer was "more," and they explained why.

So to boost your social interaction velocity, your business has to answer more.

But be careful about the quality content as more bad content achieves nothing.

You require more social interaction the only comes with outstanding content faster. It doesn't matter that you define test by the interaction that you produce from your social network.

 Do all three things: More, Faster, and Better.

4. Social Engagement Velocity

The social interaction and social engagement velocity might seem irrelevant on the surface. 

There is a dramatic difference between both when you consider the likes as social interaction and comments as social engagement.

It depends on the content depth and influences your social network. 

Just ask yourself if your readers are skimming, laugh, and push the like button. Or they read and write, go through the comments.

The word "engage" means to hold the efforts or attention of one or many people. 

 How fast can you drive engagement with your content? Fasten your seatbelts as it requires ludicrous speed!

5. Website Traffic Velocity

You don't need a three-ring circus in that area, as it simply means more content generates traffic.

You require to publish faster to drive traffic to your website.

It will send indications to Google that your website is answering queries of people asking on search engines.

The necessity of speed shouldn't affect the quality of your content. You have to be faster. 

6. Mentions Velocity

For a moment, let's talk about the depth you require and press the pause button at that ludicrous speed.

In the past, marketers worked to rank on keywords by focusing on terms like "outsourced sales and marketing." So, teams have ranked well for such terms and other related keywords as well.

However, what are we missing out on? It is the heavily searched keyword term.

So, it is best to create consumable content about the topic on the questions with most searches. It is bound to impact all your activities and result in mention and shares across the web.

Also, look out for the questions your prospective consumers are searching for? How to engage others to mention or share your topics? How to create post series that answer the questions of your prospects?

All these are opportunities that you can explore, and after this, we can resume with ludicrous speed.

7. Links Velocity

Are we entering the danger zone?

As we rapidly increase the links velocity to your website, it also dramatically increases the possibility of Google perceiving it as a negative signal. 

It will assume that you are engaging in link building campaign to play the system, and they can box as the penalty for misconduct.

Obtaining those links in one space, where you don't want to travel at ludicrous speed. Instead, move slow and steady to grow links to reach success.

Are you looking for legitimate means to get links? Then find these opportunities with Hureka Technologies to help you score these links.

8. User-Generated Content Velocity

Here, you must be careful when user-generated comments increase fastly, which Google sees as a red flag.

Although, it isn't an issue for businesses if you are attempting to play the system.

Typically people are involved in their work or day-to-day activities, that you need to engage with your content to stimulate them enough to comment on your post.

As a popular saying goes, failure is a stepping stone towards success, so don't bother if you meet early failure as it is part of the process to perfect your approach.

Get your content on the web even at the prospect of failing. At least you are trying rather than sitting idle, move towards ludicrous speed and accelerate. It even means that the faster you learn, the faster you will grow and succeed.

Google’s Hummingbird update in September 2013 shook every business in search marketing. It destroyed keyword strategies as Google ended listing keywords in Google Analytics. For detailed info on the same read, Google Semantic Search by David Amerland for complete technical analysis. 

This is Part II of IV Wondering How To Win The Semantic Search Game? Read This! - 8 Tips to Effective Velocity. 

You can stay tuned for the upcoming Part III: 8 Tips to Effective Variety and Part IV: 8 Tips 8 to Effective Veracity.

If you missed Part I: 8 Tips To Gain Effective Volume, you can go ahead and read it to get the complete picture.

Roopak Gupta

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