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Game-changing Social Media Trends to Look Out for in 2018!

Game-changing Social Media Trends to Look Out for in 2021

Roopak Gupta 2018-05-26
Roopak Gupta
min read

We’re well into 2021, and we have become savvier than ever before!

What keeps us glued more than ever is social media.

Just a decade ago, social media didn’t even exist. 

Right after they were born, its popularity spread like wildfire and who had anticipated they will occupy such a giant space in our lives and our business.

Social media in the 21st century is changing the way we connect and share, and a lot more. It is also revolutionizing the business landscapes. 

Also Read: Is Social Media A Showstopper Or Just A Side Character In SEO?

So, what next? Is social media going to be any different now? Is it going to change the way it impacts users and brands? 

Ah, of course, yes!

The social media trends continued to evolve and astonish us in 2021. It was packed with new features, consumer preferences and ample brand opportunities. Everybody is looking forward to the same and a lot this year.

Let’s deep-dive into understanding 

The social media trends to look out for in 2021.

1. Facebook

Founder: Mark Zuckerberg

Videos are what is going to be trending in 2021. 

The moment a new episode of Game of Thrones or Stranger Things is uploaded, literally everyone watches it as soon as possible.

This clearly tells us that visual and appealing content is the future.

As a result, we’ll see more video marketing in the upcoming year on Facebook.

Facebook Watch will be the vanguard of this.

Facebook Watch will also reward excellent quality content and its creators. Don’t forget Facebook Watch is likely to compete with Netflix and Amazon regarding broadcasting.

Also Read: How to Optimize Your FB Campaigns in Light of Apple's Crushing iOS 14 Update

Boy, is it going to be a visual delight! 

2. Instagram

Founder: Kevin Systrom 

Not very long ago, Instagram featured ‘stories’ as its new update, and it’s favoring Instagram stupendously. And those quirky filters!

In July 2021, the Instagram community of businesses has grown to 21 million (up from eight million in March). 

As people continue to use Instagram to discover brands that they love, share and follow their passions across mobile, businesses of all sizes are finding it the perfect place to stand out and tell their story — especially as 80% of Instagrammers follow a business today on Instagram.

And with the help of fresh, creative tools such as Instagram Stories, businesses are creating more and more compelling content to share with their communities, whether organically – informed by the insights tools that we provide businesses – or as a paid advert.

“Have you shopped the feed yet?” will make a tremendous entry in 2021. 

To name prominent brands that are already doing great through this are Victoria Secrets and Fashion Nova. 

You can very easily browse through the looks and add to cart, thanks to the Shopify integration. 

In fact, this has made the shopping experience incredibly relaxed and joyful.

3. Twitter

Founder: Jack Dorsey

Twitter is expected to make a massive comeback in 2021.

With approximately 630 million active users all around the world, Twitter has largely been ignored by brands and businesses.

With advertising costs going up and the competition, even more so, Twitter is undoubtedly going to be an attractive alternative. 

4. Snapchat

Founder: Evan Spiegel

In the coming months, Snapchat will open up more to employer brand and personal branding. 

Snapchat will introduce lucrative features for vloggers and content creators pretty similar to what we see on YouTube. 

In addition to this, Snapchat has just announced Lens Studio, available to download globally making it easier for creatives to build their lenses from scratch and create their augmented reality lenses.

5. LinkedIn

Co-Founder: Reid Hoffman

Let’s not ignore LinkedIn

It may look like a platform for only the serious working professionals, meaning business and profits all the time, but no. 

In 2021, LinkedIn will experience a high in the professional conversations and relationships, benefitting both the parties - employers as well as employees. 

We have a lot to look forward to in 2021 when it comes to social media platforms.

What’s your favorite social media platform and how do you use it to promote your business?

Leave your comments below, we’re eager to hear about it.

Also Read: How Do Facebook Ads Work

Roopak Gupta

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